Gathering Wild Herbs: Do's & Don'ts

Beginner Wild Herb Harvesting Tips

  • DO gather your herbs from clean, open spaces. Gardens, fields, pasture, woods, and streams are ideal for this.
  • DON'T gather your herbs from dirty, high foot traffic places (parking lot edges, sidewalks, yards with dogs, etc.)
  • DO gather your herbs from your own property, or private land that you have expressed permission to be on. This is very important.
  • DON'T gather herbs from public land, parks, or forests. (It's a punishable offense, often resulting in a fine!) 
  • DO carefully identify your herbs before you harvest or use them. Buy an herbal plant guide from a respected herbalist. Use a book or website resource with pictures, and carefully match the plant. 
  • DON'T just started grabbing and eating wild herbs! This is very dangerous! Make sure you have a solid identification of the plant, and be sure that you've read up on how to use it correctly.
  • DO buy herbs from your local small business greenhouse or plant nursery if you can't find the herbs you want, or ask for a cutting from a friend. They work hard year-round to provide the best plants they can for their communities. Be sure to ask if they use chemicals or not.
  • DON'T buy herbs from big box stores, if you can help it. Support your local small businesses!
  • DO keep your herbs protected and clean while gathering by using a container or baggie or basket. Anything sturdy will do. I like to use a clean recycled plastic container.
  • DON'T shove your herbs in your satchel or put in your car! They are delicate and generally hate heat or being squished. In a pinch, you can store them in a water bottle on the  way home.
  • DO wash your herbs gently but thoroughly with cold, clean water when you get home. Be sure to check for bugs, debris, or mold. 
  • DON'T use hot water (unless you're using them right away) or forget to wash them! Bugs and dirt don't go well with most recipes...and wilted herbs aren't easy to eat or use.
  • DO keep your herbs fresh in the fridge if you're going to use them in a few days. I wash, cut and keep mine in a few inches of water in a glass cup. 
  • DON'T forget about them though! Mold doesn't pair well with herbs! Try to make sure the leaves don't go down into the water line, as it will cause them to rot.
  • DO dry or freeze your herbs if you won't be able to use what you harvest right away. Wash, chop, and put in a freezer bag or container - removing as much air as possible before sealing.
  • DON'T forget to thoroughly dehydrate them (on a cookie sheet in the oven with the light on for a day or hung to dry) or seal them (freezer baggies or jars) if you're going to freeze them.
  • DO label your dried or frozen herbs!
  • DON'T forget to add the date as well, herbs have recommended expiration dates too.
  • DO enjoy your delicious and healing herbs you harvested yourself!
  • DON'T worry if you don't know a lot about herbs. Start small with one herb at a time!

Healing blessings,


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